YBOA check in and locations

Check In Location & Directions

  • Time:  Saturday 9:00AM Ã?¢?? 2:00PM
  • You must check your team in before your 2nd game is played
  • Location:

Lakeland High School 

726 Hollingsworth Rd 

Lakeland, FL 33801

The entire team MUST report to check in. If a player or entire team has already been approved this competition year the coach is still required to check in.

 ***If you do not check in you will forfeit all games and lose participation points if you have not won a game. ***

What to bring to check in:

The book MUST have the following items:

  1. 1.      Official YBOA team roster must be PRINTED from the YBOA website.
  2. 2.      Hand written rosters will not be accepted.
  3. 3.      Birth Certificate of each player.
  4. 4.      Current picture of each player
  5. 5.      Current school year report card


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